San Diego Weather Forecasts


Find the current weather conditions and forecast for the area of San Diego you will be visiting today. If you are making your first visit to San Diego, you should learn more about San Diego weather so you are prepared for your trip. For example, you will want to bring a light jacket or windbreaker if you plan to watch a baseball game downtown, especially if you are visiting from an area where you are used to a lot of heat and humidity.
Weather Forecasts for San Diego:
Coastal Forecast (Generally west of highway I-5)

Coastal Forecast for San Diego County

Sunrise and Sunset Checkout the daily sunrise and sunset times in San Diego from The latest sunset occurs in late June at 8:01PM, which is a little earlier than what some visitors may expect.

High and Low Tides Checkout the daily high and low tide predictions for San Diego (La Jolla) from NOAA. Waves are usually 4 to 5 feet in height. However, they can rise up to over 10 feet on occasion and attract crowds of onlookers. The news media let’s people know when to expect big waves.

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